Jul 11, 2023 How does Shabodi’s NetAware programmable network platform improve offerings for Private Wireless Providers or Wholesale Network Providers? Advanced Networks are more than a “dumb” connectivity pipe. There is a lot of intelligence that can … Shabodi
Jul 11, 2023 Who do I need to staff to implement your NetAware and build network-aware applications? We provide well-documented developer onboarding content/videos/sample code that is targeted at IT professionals deploying the networks and … Shabodi
Jul 11, 2023 What verticals & industries does your NetAware programmable network platform target? NetAware programmable network platform can be used in all verticals & industries that have deployed an advanced … Shabodi
Jul 11, 2023 How does your platform help to create a full private cellular and advanced network offering? Wi-Fi and Cellular (LTE/5G/6G) networks co-exist. And the combination of private Cellular and private networks also provides … Shabodi
Jul 11, 2023 What advantages does your platform offer that can allow easy integration with the network? Shabodi NetAware (Application Enablement Platform) simplifies 5G infrastructure interoperability and application development for mission-critical use cases for … Shabodi